Today,I was in the mood for shopping.So,I took my sister and walked until we've found the firts show in our way (it was a second-hand one,this time) where I found this Daniel Ray bag,for only like 4 US $.It was like love at the first sight.Even my mom loved it.So,this is the best item of the week !
Bluza asta am cumparat-o azi,dinrt-un second-hand care e foarte aproape de casa mea,dar unde nu am intrat prea des.Cuma ma zarit cosul ce haine la 1 lei,am inceput sa sap adanc,si am gasit-o.Nu e cine stie ce,dar e confortabila si totusi..la 1 leu.
I've bought this blouse today,from a second-hand shop really close to my house,but where I haven't entered so often.As I saw the 1 leu (really small price) place,I started to dig and I found it.IS not a big deal,but it's contfortable and at a very low price.
Asa m-am imbracat azi la scoala.Deobicei ma imbrac asa cand nu am inspiratie,sau cand imi e prea lene sa combin ceva mai intersant.
This is what I wore today at school.I am ussualy dressing like this when I have no inspiration or when I am too lazy to combine something interesing.

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