Dupa cum zic mereu,sunt o mare fana a magazinelor second-hand dar si a celor vintage (cam invizibile prin Cluj).Totusi,azi cand veneam de la scoala,am intrat intr-un second-hand pentru a-mi satisface nevoia de a ma uita si cauta haine.
Si,dupa ce m-am uitat pe acolo,am descoperit acest pulover de la United Colors of Benneton,care in realitate arata ca nou,si a fost si doar 10 lei.C'mmon.SI,mi-am mai cumparat o pereche de jeansi de la Flo&Jo,tot pentru 10 lei,da' n-am mai avut timp/chef pentru poze.
As I said in the previous blog post,I am a huge fan of second-hand/vintage stores.
So,as I bought everything I could from the stores I ussualy buy,I saw a new one,somewhere close to my house.So,I entered there and I falled in love at the first sight with some items,and then bought them all.
UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON jumper.It looks really good,like I'd bought it from the original store.I love it because is soooooo warm and soft.(price : 5 US $ / 10 lei)

Cizme din velur + blana.Le-am gasit la un alt second-hand.La prima vedere mi se pareau divine,si ieftine,in comparatie cu pretul pietei.Si le-am luat.Numai ca acuma astept sa fie iarna,sa le pot purta.:)
Leather boots.It was a really love at the first sight.(:x) They are kinda big,
I wear 37-38 and they are 39.But I bought them because I like them,they look good and they are sooooooo cheep comparing to the other boots.(price : 32 US $ / 65 lei)

Rochie.Sunt in mare cautare de rochii.Am luat-o pentru primavara,ca doar a fost 10 lei.
Dress.I am really looking for new dresses,because I only have 3,and I want to have like 10.Anyway,the material is reallt good,and it's perfect for autum.(price : 3 US $,10 lei)

Bluza NEXT.E simpla dar comoda.
NEXT blouse.It really simple but nice.I love the small buttons.(price : 1.5 US $ / 3.5 lei)

A,capa?NU stiu sigur cum se numeste,dar e foarte draguta.Planuiesc sa o port tot in primavara,cand nu e asa frig.
Haha.I don't know how to call it,but is really great.It so funny and chilish.I can't wait to wear it.(price :2.5 US $ / 5 lei )(I'LL POSE SOON SOME NEW PHOTOS WITH ME,WEARING THOSE CLOTHES,SO STAY TUNED !)

Un comentariu:
dude..:O omg..de unde ai chestiuta de scufita rosie? e pure briliant..eu imi caut croitor ca sa imi fac ceva de gen si nu am resit sa dau nici de mana priceputa nici de material
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